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Teiid 9.2.2 发布,数据虚拟化系统

责任编辑:editor006 |来源:企业网D1Net  2017-04-17 17:28:35 本文摘自:开源中国社区

Teiid 9.2.2 发布了。Teiid是一个数据虚拟化系统,让应用程序使用来自多个异构数据存储的数据。简而言之:Teiid 可以让你用 JDBC + SQL 来访问企业的任何数据,并可对这些不同源的数据进行联合查询。本次更新修复了 12 个问题。

[TEIID-4501] - Salesforce 34 resource adapter should default to the 34 api

[TEIID-4812] - Processor is not exiting the join as soon as it's determined one side contains 0 rows

[TEIID-4814] - BatchedUpdateException should be provided for JDBC prepared statement batches

[TEIID-4816] - SQL Server 2012+ offset order by issue

[TEIID-4819] - Tree page modifications removing the previous page, don't remove immediately

[TEIID-4823] - joining 2 procedures results in QueryPlannerException: TEIID30275 Join region with unsatisfied access patterns cannot be satisfied by the join criteria

[TEIID-4828] - ST_GeomFromGeoJson fails for certain geometry types

[TEIID-4830] - Parsing Error when deploying VDB with "geometry" as column name

[TEIID-4832] - NullPointException in GroupingNode.initialize

[TEIID-4844] - Google translator unexpected behavior for comparison with time

[TEIID-4845] - Google translator comparison with boolean value matches all rows

[TEIID-4852] - Wrong OData results with multiple self relationships

Teiid 9.3 Beta1预计在下周发布。此外,如果需要9.1.5,请告诉我们,到目前为止已经解决了3个问题。





x Teiid 9.2.2 发布,数据虚拟化系统 扫一扫
当前位置:虚拟化行业动态 → 正文

Teiid 9.2.2 发布,数据虚拟化系统

责任编辑:editor006 |来源:企业网D1Net  2017-04-17 17:28:35 本文摘自:开源中国社区

Teiid 9.2.2 发布了。Teiid是一个数据虚拟化系统,让应用程序使用来自多个异构数据存储的数据。简而言之:Teiid 可以让你用 JDBC + SQL 来访问企业的任何数据,并可对这些不同源的数据进行联合查询。本次更新修复了 12 个问题。

[TEIID-4501] - Salesforce 34 resource adapter should default to the 34 api

[TEIID-4812] - Processor is not exiting the join as soon as it's determined one side contains 0 rows

[TEIID-4814] - BatchedUpdateException should be provided for JDBC prepared statement batches

[TEIID-4816] - SQL Server 2012+ offset order by issue

[TEIID-4819] - Tree page modifications removing the previous page, don't remove immediately

[TEIID-4823] - joining 2 procedures results in QueryPlannerException: TEIID30275 Join region with unsatisfied access patterns cannot be satisfied by the join criteria

[TEIID-4828] - ST_GeomFromGeoJson fails for certain geometry types

[TEIID-4830] - Parsing Error when deploying VDB with "geometry" as column name

[TEIID-4832] - NullPointException in GroupingNode.initialize

[TEIID-4844] - Google translator unexpected behavior for comparison with time

[TEIID-4845] - Google translator comparison with boolean value matches all rows

[TEIID-4852] - Wrong OData results with multiple self relationships

Teiid 9.3 Beta1预计在下周发布。此外,如果需要9.1.5,请告诉我们,到目前为止已经解决了3个问题。







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